Worlds 2013 (Turkey):
  • Round 0 - This House would ban the publication of opinion polls during election campaigns.
  • Round 1 - This House believes that important decisions about children's health should be made by medical professionals and not by their parents.
  • Round 2 - This House believes that the media should be prevented by law from intruding into the private lives of public figures.
  • Round 3 - This House supports greater us military presence in East Asia.
  • Round 4 - This House would allow prisoners to choose death over life imprisonment.
  • Round 5 - This House would cease the exploitation of resources in the arctic region.
  • Round 6 - This House would require government schools to teach religious studies.
  • Round 7 - This House supports sovereign debt default as a legitimate economic strategy for countries.
  • Round 8 - This House would require university students to work in their country of origin for a number of years after graduation.
  • Octos - This House would cut welfare payments to compulsive gamblers.
  • Quarters - This House believes that social movements in democratic countries should drive social change through the courts rather than the legislature.
  • Semis - This House believes that the government should pay housewives and househusbands for their work.
  • Grand Final - This House believes that Turkey is better off outside the European Union.
Words 2012 (South Africa):
  • Round 1 - This House would ban alcohol.
  • Round 2 - This house believes that newly democratized Arab nations should not allow religious parties to participate in elections.
  • Round 3 - THW allow single parents in prison to raise their children behind bars.
  • Round 4 - This house believes that developing nations should place limits on internal rural-urban migration.
  • Round 5 - THBT the police should use racial profiling to fight crime.
  • Round 6 - This house believes that the feminist movement should seek a ban on pornography.
  • Round 7 - TH believes that developing countries should allow child labour.
  • Round 8 - This house believes that states should enshrine legally actionable socio-economic rights.
  • Quarters - This House believes that the gay right movement should "out" gay public figures.
  • Grand Final - This house regrets South Africa's decision to use the Truth and Reconciliation Commission rather than prosecuting perpetrators of crimes committed under Apartheid.
Words 2011 (Scotland):
  • Round 1 - This House would offer dictators immunity in return for leaving power.
  • Round 2 - This House would allow free distribution of music on the internet.
  • Round 3 - This House believes that Universal Primary Education is a misallocation of resources for the developing world.
  • Round 4 - This House would make voting in national elections mandatory.
  • Round 5 - This House would legalize the sale of human organs.
  • Round 6 - This House would stop sending humans into space.
  • Round 7 - This House would stop sending humans into space government.
  • Round 8 - This House would penalize sporting teams for the poor behaviour of their fans.
  • Octos - This House would abandon nuclear energy.
  • Quarters - This House supports free immigration.
  • Semis - This House believes that every region should have the right to independent statehood if a majority of its members wish.
  • Finals - This House believes that autocracy is doomed in the age of Facebook.
Words 2010 (Qatar):
  • Round 1 (Prepared) - That we should support military intervention in Somalia.
  • Round 2 (Impromptu) - That we should make physical education compulsory in schools.
  • Round 3 (Prepared) - That every country should have the right to possess nuclear weapons.
  • Round 4 (Impromptu) - That we should support quotas for women in high government positions.
  • Round 5 (Prepared) - That doctors should report evidence of marital abuse to the police.
  • Round 6 (Impromptu) - That developing nations should have the right to give priority to development ahead of the environment.
  • Round 7 (Prepared) - That terrorist suspects should have the right to a trial in civilian courts.
  • Round 8 (Impromptu) - That we should legalize performance-enhancing drugs in sport.
  • Octos (Impromptu) - That we should have no law restricting freedom of speech.
  • Quarters (Impromptu) - That compensation should be paid for the injustices committed by past generations.
  • Semi Finals (Impromptu) - That the United States should withdraw from the Middle East.
  • Finals (Prepared) - That governments should never bail out big companies.
Words 2009 (Greece):
  • Round 0 - THW ban the physical punishment of children by their parents.
  • Round 1 - This House believes that cultural treasures should be returned to their areas of origin.
  • Round 3 - This House would encourage the expanded use of civilian nuclear energy.
  • Round 5 - This House would legalize current technologies for choosing human embryos on the basis of their genetic characteristics.
  • Round 7 - This House believes that public services are best run by private companies.
  • Round 8 - LP: THW pursue minor crimes with the same vigour as major crimes.
  • Octos - This house would require people to work in return for welfare payments.
  • Quarters - THW lower the voting age.
  • Semis - THBT dictatorships should not receive international aid.
  • Finals - THB that all illegal immigrants should receive amnesty.
Words 2008 (USA):
  • Round 1 - This House would ban strikes by those working in essential state services.
  • Round 2 - This House would ban strikes by those working in essential state services.
  • Round 3 - This house would ban the use of unethically obtained data in scientific research.
  • Round 4 - This house believes that humanities courses should be part of every undergraduate programme.
  • Round 5 - THW make the directors of multinational companies personally liable for environmental abuses committed by their companies in the developing world.
  • Round 6 - This house would cease the use of detention without trial in the war on terror.
  • Round 7 - This house believes that governments have a duty to bail out failing financial institutions.
  • Round 8 - This house would ban government funding of the arts.
  • Octos - THBT heads of government should be required to have a parliamentary majority to govern.
  • Quarters - TH regrets the hosting of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
  • Semis - This house would drop all US sanctions on Cuba.
  • Finals - TH would expand the permanent membership of the UN Security Council.
World High School Debating Championships Motions
Worlds 2007 (South Korea):
  • Round One (Prepared): This House would make the development of clean industry a condition for receiving non-emergency aid.
  • Round Two (Impromptu): This House would ban the use of models who are under a healthy weight.
  • Round Three (Prepared): This House believes that Holocaust denial should be a crime.
  • Round Four (Impromptu): This House believes that governments should not limit the areas which scientists may research.
  • Round Five (Prepared): This House believes that the United States should withdraw from its military bases in Asia
  • Round Six (Impromptu): This house would legalize all drugs.
  • Round Seven (Prepared): This House believes that free trade harms the developing world
  • Round Eight (Impromptu): This House would limit media reporting on terrorist atrocities
  • Octo-Finals: This house would force organizations to appoint more women to senior positions.
  • Quarter-Finals: This house would privatize public utilities.
  • Semi-Finals: This house would partition Iraq.
  • Finals: This House would abolish the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty.
Worlds 2006 (Wales):
  • Round One: This House would place a worldwide ban on the use of civil nuclear energy.
  • Round Two: This House believes that full-time students should take part in compulsory charity work.
  • Round 3: This House believes that captured terrorists should be treated as prisoners of war.
  • Round 4: This House would place a worldwide ban on tobacco advertising.
  • Round 5: This House supports the international trading of pollution quotas.
  • Round 6: This House would ban abortion except in cases where the mother’s health is at risk.
  • Round 7: This House believes that Internet search engines should boycott China until it allows its citizens unrestricted access to the Web.
  • Round 8: This House believes that the War on Terror has been counter-productive.
  • Octo-Finals: This House believes that governments should subsidise the traditional arts of minority cultures.
  • Quarter-Finals: This House would punish sports teams whose fans misbehave.
  • Semi-Finals: This House believes that first-time offenders who commit non-violent crimes should not be sent to jail.
  • Grand Final: This House believes that democracy is the best system of government for every nation.
Worlds 2005 (Calgary):
  • This House would ban the use of human embryos in scientific research.
  • (prepared) This House believes that the costs of space exploration outweigh the benefits.
  • (prepared) This House believes that political parties should receive state funding.
  • This House believes that censorship does more harm than good.
  • This House believes that civil marriage should be open to same-sex couples.
  • (prepared) This House would use affirmative action to compensate for historical injustices.
  • (prepared) This House believes that education policy should be the responsibility of local authorities.
  • This House would negotiate with terrorists.
  • This House would not give development aid to non-democratic governments.
  • Octo-finals: This house believes that national security should take precedence over individual rights.
  • Quarter-Finals: This House believes that the first priority of criminal justice is rehabilitation, not retribution.
  • Semi-Finals: This House believes that regional trading blocs are preferable to global free trade.
  • Finals: (prepared) This House believes that the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council should not have veto power.
Worlds 2004 (Germany):
  • Round 1 (Prepared): THB Turkey Should Join the European Union.
  • Round 2 (Impromptu): THBT Fast Food Companies Should Pay People Compensation for Damaging their Health.
  • Round 3 (Prepared): THBT We Should Make Use of GM Crops to Feed the World.
  • Round 4 (Impromptu): THW Prosecute Teenagers as Adults for Criminal Offenses.
  • Round 5 (Prepared): THBT Trade Unions Impede Progress.
  • Round 6 (Impromptu): THBT Governments Should Protect Their Native Languages.
  • Round 7 (Prepared): THBT Religion Has No Place in State Schools.
  • Round 8 (Impromptu): TH Condemns the Influence of the Music Industry on Today's Youth
  • Octo-finals: THBT The welfare state should be scrapped.
  • Quarter-Finals (Impromptu): THBT Political parties have too much influence on democratic elections.
  • Semi-Finals (Impromptu): THBT Globalisation perpetuates social iniquity.
  • Final (Prepared): THBT The world is facing a clash of civilizations.
Worlds 2003 (Peru):
  • (prepared) This House would advertise prescription medicines.
  • (prepared) This House believes that current intellectual property laws are a brake on progress.
  • (prepared) This House believes that cultural treasures belong at home.
  • (prepared) This House believes that the sovereignty of nation states is an outdated concept.
  • This House believes that voting in national elections should be compulsory.
  • This House believes that sporting boycotts are a legitimate political tool.
  • This House supports voluntary euthanasia.
  • This House supports quotas for women in national parliaments.
  • This House believes in trial by jury (Bye-Round).
  • Octo-Finals: This House would pay development aid direct to governments.
  • Quarter-Finals: This House would legalize prostitution.
  • Semi-Finals: This House believes that political decisions should not be dictated by religious beliefs.
  • Final: This House would end the war on drugs.
Worlds 2002 (Singapore):
  • (prepared) This House believes that professionalism has ruined the Olympic Games.
  • (prepared) This House would maintain United States military bases in Asia.
  • (prepared) This House believes that free trade is the way forward.
  • (prepared) This House supports missile defence.
  • This House believes that politicians should only be allowed to serve in office for a limited period of time.
  • This House believes that low taxes are preferable to extensive government services.
  • This House believes that gambling of all forms should be illegal.
  • This House would make tobacco companies pay compensation to the individual.
  • OCTO-FINALS: This House would ban genetic screening.
  • QUARTER-FINALS: This House supports the international trading of pollution permits.
  • SEMI-FINALS: This House would compromise civil liberties in the interests of security.
  • FINALS: This House believes that the media has become too powerful.
Worlds 2001 (South Africa):
  • A prepared resolution - "This House believes that we should waive patent rights for AIDS drugs for underdeveloped countries."
  • An impromptu resolution - "This House believes that hand guns should be banned."
  • A prepared resolution - "This House believes that gay couples should be allowed to adopt children.
  • An impromptu resolution - "This House disapproves of cloning."
  • A prepared resolution - "This House believes that the affluent nations should accept more refugees".
  • A prepared resolution - "This House would cancel third world debt."
  • An impromptu resolution - "This House supports the use of the death penalty."
  • An impromptu resolution - "This House believes that international sport is warfare without weapons."
  • Octo-Finals: "This House would impose democracy."
  • Quarter-Finals: "This House refuses to negotiate with terrorists."
  • Semi-Finals: "This House would give parents the final say in medical treatment of their children."
  • Finals (prepared): "This House believes that compensation should be paid for the injustices committed by previous generations."